
From Web Crawlers to Knowledge Repositories: Decoding the Aims and Algorithms of Search Engines

Unlocking the Digital Frontier

Being end users of the internet, we have access to immeasurable information. We spent a lot of time on search queries, and finding the readily available information of our use. As a matter of fact, Google has become synonymous with the internet. The internet is pretty much about understanding user behaviour, internet search trends, and how a website can be optimized to make full use of resources. According to Hub spot Academy, 68% of online experiences begin with search engines. 53% of all website traffic comes through organic search. 93% of traffic comes from Google search, Google images, and Google maps. According to Orelo, Google is the most visited website. Google, however, dominates the search engine market. In addition to that, Google, apart from being merely a search engine, provides several other services i.e. Google news, Google shopping, and, serving as a video and images platform as well. Google has maintained its market share over several years and has earned a lot of revenue through its advertisements. Over time, Google has developed AI tools to use, one of which is Google Lens, launched in 2017. This is an app backed by machine learning and artificial intelligence. In addition to that, as long as search facts and figures are concerned, Google mobile search remains on top as well. As per another fact, 84% of users use Google three times a day or more Moz. While discussing search mechanisms by users, a thing which can’t be ignored is Search Engine Result Pages (SERP).  As per statistics, only 0.63% of people go on the second page if they do not find their intended results on the very first page of Google search results. The general tendency is to switch the search query if the required results are not found. The incrementors have listed some of the burning digital facts, one of which is that 49% of businesses said that they have earned the best ROI through digital marketing or social media marketing. It is commonly observed in the UK and US that successful brands spend 21% of their revenues on digital marketing. There are several digital marketing agencies providing the services. Yral is one of the team leaders. The importance of content marketing cannot be undermined here, because people have a high tendency to buy a certain product or service after reading blogs on it, or if they see visuals from it. Let us start from the basics of how the internet started and how the advent of other relevant things happened accordingly.




The Web’s Evolution Unveiled

According to Hubspot, a good example of the evolution of the internet would be considering the internet as a city. And there are towns in the city. In a town there are houses, and each house can be considered as a website. Each room inside the house is a different web page and hallways and stairs connecting different rooms are taken as internal links between the site’s pages. Each street contains different houses, which means lots of different websites. The growth of houses can be taken as a lot of different websites. Hence, the growth of houses is equal to the growth of the internet and that results in a town expanding into the city. Roads that connect these houses are external links. And, if there are some landmark buildings on those roads or highways, we can use them as big popular websites. As it happens in general terms, if the building’s address is known, then one can drive straight to it just like typing a Website’s URL. Contrary, if the building’s address is not known one has to go to the town directory. Further details would be required like the colour of the building, how many stories it has, and the direction of its exact location. All of this would be seen as an alternative to the search performed on any search engine. This example is an urge for a layman or less tech savvy person to understand that how websites relate to one another, and, the role search engines play in the use of internet.

However, in technical terms, roots of internet are way backed from the military concept of “decentralization”, which means bringing all the useful information to a central point that can be easily accessed by end users. Nevertheless, in 1973 the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a project on distributed network which was kind of communication with the use of protocols. And these protocols themselves formed a shared language, enabling computers to understand each other clearly and easily. That’s where centralization of information started, which eventually led to the decentralisation of information on the internet and gave birth to network information systems as well. The initial era of internet roots back in early 1960’s. Computers in those early 60’s were quite large and immobile. 

Pioneering the Digital Landscape in the Wake of Internet Evolution

The above-mentioned example is merely the simplest glimpse about how internet functions, whereas the internet in real life is way more complex. When the era of internet started, websites were clumsy. I.e. a website was only accessible by manually typing the address, or by clicking a link from another website. Gradually, with the growth of the internet, a lot of websites came into existence and there came a need for search engines to help users to navigate the web and find what they needed more easily.  Some of the initial search engines from the 1970’s till the early 1990’s were “Archie”, “Gopher”, “Web Crawler”, and, “Prodigy”. However, in the early 1990’s, the engines which showed up in those days of the internet, were “Yahoo”, “Google”, and “Bing”. “Ask,com”, “Alta Vista” were others which were commonly recognized. However, Google defeated all of them, since it did a much better job than its rivals and made search easy and comprehensive like never before for the ultimate users. The key success factor for Google even back then was “Page Rank”. This made Google relate the relevance of webpages which were asked in queries. Google search and PageRank till date. Google has this lead over other search engines till date that no other search engine could beat it since last 10 years. These days, Google has the biggest market share with the lead, followed by Yahoo and Bing, and Ask standing the least with 64%, 23%, and 12% of shares respectively Hewlett Packard.

Empowering Users through Smarter Algorithms and Unparalleled Digital Experiences

The major aim for any search engine happens to be providing the best suitable match for a user’s search query. All search engines that came into existence are user-centric. Their ultimate aim is to facilitate the query as best as possible that has showed up from the user’s end. With the passage of time, search engines have revised and updated their search algorithms continuously to provide the best user experience. Algorithms basic job is to produce the final results we see on SERP’s. Google for example have “Panda”, and “Penguin” algorithms that work for filtering, penalizing, and, rewarding content based on its characteristics, and, to judge links and address any spams found there. Each search engine has its own algorithms. With the new and competitive algorithms there came different tools to stay competitive. SEO is most prominent of them. Since, Google is widely used search engine, let us see how Google algorithms work.

Unravelling How Google Ranks Your Content for Online Success

Search Engine Journal gives an analogy that Google sees each word as a unique entity, and it classifies them to compose a repository of these entities. These classifications help Google to judge your website. That’s exactly how Google identifies the interconnectivity between websites and the world at large. Search engines are pretty much accountable for ranking all of the websites and not only one. The moment a user types a query, search engines start to go through a lot of preparatory work. And this preparatory work consists of three stages. 1) Crawling; 2) Indexing; 3) Ranking, and, all these three stages are highly aligned with discovering, organizing, and ranking. The moment a user types a search query, search the engine starts to discover the information about that particular query which happens during crawling. However, the data gathered from the “crawling” process would be raw and not in position to be published. That leads to the process of “indexing”, which is basically classifying the information in a presentable form gathered through a crawling process. The final stage is “ranking”, which happens when a search engine goes through the process of ordering search results from most relevant to least relevant to a particular query. All this is done through algorithms which are basically a set of processes and formulas through which stored information is extracted and organized in a meaningful way. These algorithms are updated continuously to improve the quality of search results.

How Search Engine Evolution Catalysed the Rise of Strategic Online Marketing”

Knowing the functionality of search engines, there comes the need for tools that can help certain webpages to rank higher. Search Engine Marketing is one of them. It is basically used to bring our product at the top of the search list whenever buyers or users are looking for that particular product which we are offering. In short, it is used to bring visibility to the products that we have to offer. Since traditional ways of advertising were too costly, although they had their own perks, SEM advertises a product in a much more effective and economical way. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) basically acts as a component of Search Engine Marketing (SEM). SEM uses paid promotion methods that aim to make a particular company rule over the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) as a response to a particular asked query. Pay per Click (PPP), Pay per Impression (PPI), and, Paid aid Display Marketing are few of the methods opted in SEM. On the other hand, the organic way of online marketing/smm marketing is Search Engine Optimization. Although. SEM and SEO serve the same purpose, yet, the functionality of both is different. SEM is usually opted for by businesses if they need quick access to the target audience, whereas SEO is utilised when things are to grow slowly and in an organic way. However, the amalgamation of both techniques has the capacity to bring drastic results. SEO can lend a big hand to SEM itself, conditional that both techniques are opted strategically and the experts of both work on the same page, rather than functioning individually. Since the ultimate target for any company is to increase their revenue, thus SEO and SEM can be strategized in a way that it becomes helpful for the cause and become the trigger for the overall marketing drive.


Mastering the Art of Social Media Campaigns: Strategies for Success

In today’s digital age, social media has transformed from a mere platform for connection into a powerful marketing tool that can elevate your brand to new heights. Crafting a successful social media campaign requires more than just posting content—it demands a strategic approach that engages, resonates, and converts. Here, we delve into the key strategies that can help you master the art of social media campaigns and achieve unparalleled success.

**1. **Define Clear Objectives: Every successful campaign begins with a well-defined goal. Are you looking to boost brand awareness, drive website traffic, or increase sales? By outlining your objectives, you’ll be able to tailor your content and strategies to achieve these specific outcomes.

2. Know Your Audience: Understanding your target audience is the cornerstone of an effective campaign. Dive deep into demographics, interests, pain points, and preferences. This knowledge will guide your content creation and ensure that your message resonates with the right people.

3. Compelling Content is Key: Content is the heart of any social media campaign. Craft content that’s not only visually appealing but also provides value to your audience. Mix up your content formats—images, videos, infographics, and captivating captions—to keep your audience engaged and eager for more.

4. Consistency Matters: Consistency builds trust and reinforces your brand identity. Establish a consistent posting schedule and tone of voice. Whether you’re posting daily, weekly, or bi-weekly, staying consistent helps keep your audience engaged and anticipative.

5. Leverage Hashtags and Trends: Utilize relevant hashtags and tap into trending topics to increase your content’s visibility. Trend-related posts can connect you with a wider audience and showcase your brand’s adaptability and relevance.

6. Engage and Interact: Social media is a two-way street. Respond to comments, messages, and mentions promptly. Engage with your audience by asking questions, running polls, and encouraging user-generated content. Building a community fosters brand loyalty.

7. Analyze and Adapt: Regularly monitor your campaign’s performance using social media analytics tools. Track metrics like reach, engagement, and conversion rates. Use this data to refine your strategies and make informed decisions for future campaigns.

8. Collaborate and Partner: Collaborations with influencers or complementary brands can amplify your campaign’s reach. Partnering with those who share your target audience can introduce your brand to a new, interested set of followers.

9. Paid Advertising: Consider investing in paid social media advertising to extend your campaign’s reach. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer targeted ad options that can yield impressive results.

In conclusion, a successful social media campaign hinges on understanding your audience, delivering valuable content, and staying consistent in your efforts. By employing these strategies and staying attuned to the ever-evolving landscape of social media, you can position your brand for digital triumph. Remember, mastering the art of social media campaigns takes time, dedication, and a willingness to adapt to the changing digital trends. Ready to embark on your journey? Let’s create a campaign that leaves a mark in the digital realm.


The Power of Websites: Your Digital Gateway to Success

In an era where the digital landscape reigns supreme, a well-crafted website stands as the cornerstone of your online presence. It’s not merely a collection of web pages; it’s your brand’s digital ambassador, your virtual storefront, and a platform to connect with your audience. Let’s explore the undeniable power of websites and how they can propel your business toward unprecedented success.

1. Your Digital First Impression: Your website serves as the initial point of contact for your potential customers. Within seconds, it conveys your brand’s personality, professionalism, and value proposition. A visually appealing and user-friendly design can captivate visitors and compel them to explore further.

2. 24/7 Availability and Accessibility: Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar stores, your website never closes its doors. It’s accessible around the clock, providing information, answering queries, and even facilitating sales while you sleep. This level of availability caters to the diverse schedules of your global audience.

3. Showcasing Your Brand Identity: Every element of your website, from color schemes to fonts, contributes to your brand identity. Consistent branding builds trust and recognition among your audience. A thoughtfully designed website conveys professionalism and communicates your values effectively.

4. Engaging User Experience: User experience (UX) is paramount in retaining visitors. A seamless navigation structure, intuitive interface, and fast loading times create a positive interaction. Engaging visuals, interactive elements, and easy-to-find information keep visitors invested in exploring your offerings.

5. Content that Converts: Beyond design, the content on your website holds immense power. Engaging, informative, and relevant content not only attracts visitors but also converts them into loyal customers. Blogs, case studies, and product descriptions all play a role in showcasing your expertise and solving your audience’s problems.

6. SEO and Online Visibility: A well-optimized website is your ticket to better search engine rankings. Implementing sound SEO practices—strategic keywords, meta descriptions, alt tags, and more—ensures that your website is discoverable by those actively seeking your products or services.

7. Data-Driven Insights: With analytics tools, you gain insights into how visitors interact with your website. This data helps you understand user behavior, popular pages, conversion rates, and more. Armed with this information, you can refine your strategies and enhance your website’s performance.

8. E-Commerce and Revenue Generation: For businesses embracing e-commerce, your website acts as the ultimate sales platform. It allows you to reach a global customer base, offer personalized shopping experiences, and showcase products or services in detail.

9. Establishing Authority: A blog section or resource center enables you to share industry insights, expertise, and valuable information with your audience. Regularly updated content showcases your authority, positioning your brand as a go-to source in your field.

In the digital age, a well-optimized website isn’t just an option—it’s a necessity. It’s the face of your brand, the bridge between you and your customers, and a vital tool for growth. To maximize its potential, ensure that your website is aesthetically pleasing, functionally robust, and aligned with your brand’s values. Remember, a website isn’t a one-time investment; it’s a dynamic entity that evolves alongside your business. So, let’s embark on the journey of creating a website that becomes your digital beacon of success.


Why You Should Use AE Templates?

Mauris vehicula efficitur mi, vel sollicitudin lectus vulputate a. Phasellus vulputate nunc libero, eu faucibus sem bibendum in. Aenean mollis quis diam sed cursus. Integer tristique rhoncus sapien vitae semper. Mauris euismod venenatis sem vitae congue.

Duis ullamcorper diam eget porttitor sagittis. Mauris porttitor magna in interdum vestibulum. Integer nec cursus neque. Mauris eu nibh rhoncus, laoreet sapien id, tincidunt turpis. Etiam mattis dapibus laoreet. Vestibulum bibendum tortor vel felis commodo ultrices. In in elit vitae eros suscipit commodo ut tristique erat. Vestibulum vehicula turpis id quam euismod vulputate.

Quisque lacinia, purus non porta malesuada, lectus tortor iaculis odio, nec laoreet massa dui sit amet elit. Sed tempus bibendum nisi eget vehicula. Maecenas quis leo eu augue faucibus aliquam.

Quisque sed pharetra odio, eu consectetur dui. Etiam scelerisque sagittis nunc, a scelerisque lorem. Fusce commodo tempus diam sed hendrerit. In ullamcorper odio eu pretium consectetur.


14 Tottenham Court Road, London, England
(102) 3456 789 / info@joshwilliam.com



Furniture Design & Contemporary Art

Mauris vehicula efficitur mi, vel sollicitudin lectus vulputate a. Phasellus vulputate nunc libero, eu faucibus sem bibendum in. Aenean mollis quis diam sed cursus. Integer tristique rhoncus sapien vitae semper. Mauris euismod venenatis sem vitae congue.

Duis ullamcorper diam eget porttitor sagittis. Mauris porttitor magna in interdum vestibulum. Integer nec cursus neque. Mauris eu nibh rhoncus, laoreet sapien id, tincidunt turpis. Etiam mattis dapibus laoreet. Vestibulum bibendum tortor vel felis commodo ultrices. In in elit vitae eros suscipit commodo ut tristique erat. Vestibulum vehicula turpis id quam euismod vulputate.

Quisque lacinia, purus non porta malesuada, lectus tortor iaculis odio, nec laoreet massa dui sit amet elit. Sed tempus bibendum nisi eget vehicula. Maecenas quis leo eu augue faucibus aliquam.

Quisque sed pharetra odio, eu consectetur dui. Etiam scelerisque sagittis nunc, a scelerisque lorem. Fusce commodo tempus diam sed hendrerit. In ullamcorper odio eu pretium consectetur.


14 Tottenham Court Road, London, England
(102) 3456 789 / info@joshwilliam.com



Why You Should Use AE Templates?

Mauris vehicula efficitur mi, vel sollicitudin lectus vulputate a. Phasellus vulputate nunc libero, eu faucibus sem bibendum in. Aenean mollis quis diam sed cursus. Integer tristique rhoncus sapien vitae semper. Mauris euismod venenatis sem vitae congue.

Duis ullamcorper diam eget porttitor sagittis. Mauris porttitor magna in interdum vestibulum. Integer nec cursus neque. Mauris eu nibh rhoncus, laoreet sapien id, tincidunt turpis. Etiam mattis dapibus laoreet. Vestibulum bibendum tortor vel felis commodo ultrices. In in elit vitae eros suscipit commodo ut tristique erat. Vestibulum vehicula turpis id quam euismod vulputate.

Quisque lacinia, purus non porta malesuada, lectus tortor iaculis odio, nec laoreet massa dui sit amet elit. Sed tempus bibendum nisi eget vehicula. Maecenas quis leo eu augue faucibus aliquam.

Quisque sed pharetra odio, eu consectetur dui. Etiam scelerisque sagittis nunc, a scelerisque lorem. Fusce commodo tempus diam sed hendrerit. In ullamcorper odio eu pretium consectetur.


14 Tottenham Court Road, London, England
(102) 3456 789 / info@joshwilliam.com



Furniture Design & Contemporary Art

Mauris vehicula efficitur mi, vel sollicitudin lectus vulputate a. Phasellus vulputate nunc libero, eu faucibus sem bibendum in. Aenean mollis quis diam sed cursus. Integer tristique rhoncus sapien vitae semper. Mauris euismod venenatis sem vitae congue.

Duis ullamcorper diam eget porttitor sagittis. Mauris porttitor magna in interdum vestibulum. Integer nec cursus neque. Mauris eu nibh rhoncus, laoreet sapien id, tincidunt turpis. Etiam mattis dapibus laoreet. Vestibulum bibendum tortor vel felis commodo ultrices. In in elit vitae eros suscipit commodo ut tristique erat. Vestibulum vehicula turpis id quam euismod vulputate.

Quisque lacinia, purus non porta malesuada, lectus tortor iaculis odio, nec laoreet massa dui sit amet elit. Sed tempus bibendum nisi eget vehicula. Maecenas quis leo eu augue faucibus aliquam.

Quisque sed pharetra odio, eu consectetur dui. Etiam scelerisque sagittis nunc, a scelerisque lorem. Fusce commodo tempus diam sed hendrerit. In ullamcorper odio eu pretium consectetur.


14 Tottenham Court Road, London, England
(102) 3456 789 / info@joshwilliam.com


Search engine websites

From Web Crawlers to Knowledge Repositories: Decoding the Aims and Algorithms of Search Engines

Unlocking the Digital Frontier

Being end users of the internet, we have access to immeasurable information. We spent a lot of time on search queries, and finding the readily available information of our use. As a matter of fact, Google has become synonymous with the internet. The internet is pretty much about understanding user behaviour, internet search trends, and how a website can be optimized to make full use of resources. According to Hub spot Academy, 68% of online experiences begin with search engines. 53% of all website traffic comes through organic search. 93% of traffic comes from Google search, Google images, and Google maps. According to Orelo, Google is the most visited website. Google, however, dominates the search engine market. In addition to that, Google, apart from being merely a search engine, provides several other services i.e. Google news, Google shopping, and, serving as a video and images platform as well. Google has maintained its market share over several years and has earned a lot of revenue through its advertisements. Over time, Google has developed AI tools to use, one of which is Google Lens, launched in 2017. This is an app backed by machine learning and artificial intelligence. In addition to that, as long as search facts and figures are concerned, Google mobile search remains on top as well. As per another fact, 84% of users use Google three times a day or more Moz. While discussing search mechanisms by users, a thing which can’t be ignored is Search Engine Result Pages (SERP).  As per statistics, only 0.63% of people go on the second page if they do not find their intended results on the very first page of Google search results. The general tendency is to switch the search query if the required results are not found. The incrementors have listed some of the burning digital facts, one of which is that 49% of businesses said that they have earned the best ROI through digital marketing or social media marketing. It is commonly observed in the UK and US that successful brands spend 21% of their revenues on digital marketing. There are several digital marketing agencies providing the services. Yral is one of the team leaders. The importance of content marketing cannot be undermined here, because people have a high tendency to buy a certain product or service after reading blogs on it, or if they see visuals from it. Let us start from the basics of how the internet started and how the advent of other relevant things happened accordingly.


The Web’s Evolution Unveiled

According to Hubspot, a good example of the evolution of the internet would be considering the internet as a city. And there are towns in the city. In a town there are houses, and each house can be considered as a website. Each room inside the house is a different web page and hallways and stairs connecting different rooms are taken as internal links between the site’s pages. Each street contains different houses, which means lots of different websites. The growth of houses can be taken as a lot of different websites. Hence, the growth of houses is equal to the growth of the internet and that results in a town expanding into the city. Roads that connect these houses are external links. And, if there are some landmark buildings on those roads or highways, we can use them as big popular websites. As it happens in general terms, if the building’s address is known, then one can drive straight to it just like typing a Website’s URL. Contrary, if the building’s address is not known one has to go to the town directory. Further details would be required like the colour of the building, how many stories it has, and the direction of its exact location. All of this would be seen as an alternative to the search performed on any search engine. This example is an urge for a layman or less tech savvy person to understand that how websites relate to one another, and, the role search engines play in the use of internet.

However, in technical terms, roots of internet are way backed from the military concept of “decentralization”, which means bringing all the useful information to a central point that can be easily accessed by end users. Nevertheless, in 1973 the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a project on distributed network which was kind of communication with the use of protocols. And these protocols themselves formed a shared language, enabling computers to understand each other clearly and easily. That’s where centralization of information started, which eventually led to the decentralisation of information on the internet and gave birth to network information systems as well. The initial era of internet roots back in early 1960’s. Computers in those early 60’s were quite large and immobile. 

Pioneering the Digital Landscape in the Wake of Internet Evolution

The above-mentioned example is merely the simplest glimpse about how internet functions, whereas the internet in real life is way more complex. When the era of internet started, websites were clumsy. I.e. a website was only accessible by manually typing the address, or by clicking a link from another website. Gradually, with the growth of the internet, a lot of websites came into existence and there came a need for search engines to help users to navigate the web and find what they needed more easily.  Some of the initial search engines from the 1970’s till the early 1990’s were “Archie”, “Gopher”, “Web Crawler”, and, “Prodigy”. However, in the early 1990’s, the engines which showed up in those days of the internet, were “Yahoo”, “Google”, and “Bing”. “Ask,com”, “Alta Vista” were others which were commonly recognized. However, Google defeated all of them, since it did a much better job than its rivals and made search easy and comprehensive like never before for the ultimate users. The key success factor for Google even back then was “Page Rank”. This made Google relate the relevance of webpages which were asked in queries. Google search and PageRank till date. Google has this lead over other search engines till date that no other search engine could beat it since last 10 years. These days, Google has the biggest market share with the lead, followed by Yahoo and Bing, and Ask standing the least with 64%, 23%, and 12% of shares respectively Hewlett Packard.

Empowering Users through Smarter Algorithms and Unparalleled Digital Experiences

The major aim for any search engine happens to be providing the best suitable match for a user’s search query. All search engines that came into existence are user-centric. Their ultimate aim is to facilitate the query as best as possible that has showed up from the user’s end. With the passage of time, search engines have revised and updated their search algorithms continuously to provide the best user experience. Algorithms basic job is to produce the final results we see on SERP’s. Google for example have “Panda”, and “Penguin” algorithms that work for filtering, penalizing, and, rewarding content based on its characteristics, and, to judge links and address any spams found there. Each search engine has its own algorithms. With the new and competitive algorithms there came different tools to stay competitive. SEO is most prominent of them. Since, Google is widely used search engine, let us see how Google algorithms work.

Unravelling How Google Ranks Your Content for Online Success

Search Engine Journal gives an analogy that Google sees each word as a unique entity, and it classifies them to compose a repository of these entities. These classifications help Google to judge your website. That’s exactly how Google identifies the interconnectivity between websites and the world at large. Search engines are pretty much accountable for ranking all of the websites and not only one. The moment a user types a query, search engines start to go through a lot of preparatory work. And this preparatory work consists of three stages. 1) Crawling; 2) Indexing; 3) Ranking, and, all these three stages are highly aligned with discovering, organizing, and ranking. The moment a user types a search query, search the engine starts to discover the information about that particular query which happens during crawling. However, the data gathered from the “crawling” process would be raw and not in position to be published. That leads to the process of “indexing”, which is basically classifying the information in a presentable form gathered through a crawling process. The final stage is “ranking”, which happens when a search engine goes through the process of ordering search results from most relevant to least relevant to a particular query. All this is done through algorithms which are basically a set of processes and formulas through which stored information is extracted and organized in a meaningful way. These algorithms are updated continuously to improve the quality of search results.

How Search Engine Evolution Catalysed the Rise of Strategic Online Marketing”


Knowing the functionality of search engines, there comes the need for tools that can help certain webpages to rank higher. Search Engine Marketing is one of them. It is basically used to bring our product at the top of the search list whenever buyers or users are looking for that particular product which we are offering. In short, it is used to bring visibility to the products that we have to offer. Since traditional ways of advertising were too costly, although they had their own perks, SEM advertises a product in a much more effective and economical way. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) basically acts as a component of Search Engine Marketing (SEM). SEM uses paid promotion methods that aim to make a particular company rule over the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) as a response to a particular asked query. Pay per Click (PPP), Pay per Impression (PPI), and, Paid aid Display Marketing are few of the methods opted in SEM. On the other hand, the organic way of online marketing/smm marketing is Search Engine Optimization. Although. SEM and SEO serve the same purpose, yet, the functionality of both is different. SEM is usually opted for by businesses if they need quick access to the target audience, whereas SEO is utilised when things are to grow slowly and in an organic way. However, the amalgamation of both techniques has the capacity to bring drastic results. SEO can lend a big hand to SEM itself, conditional that both techniques are opted strategically and the experts of both work on the same page, rather than functioning individually. Since the ultimate target for any company is to increase their revenue, thus SEO and SEM can be strategized in a way that it becomes helpful for the cause and become the trigger for the overall marketing drive.


Why You Should Use AE Templates?

Mauris vehicula efficitur mi, vel sollicitudin lectus vulputate a. Phasellus vulputate nunc libero, eu faucibus sem bibendum in. Aenean mollis quis diam sed cursus. Integer tristique rhoncus sapien vitae semper. Mauris euismod venenatis sem vitae congue.

Duis ullamcorper diam eget porttitor sagittis. Mauris porttitor magna in interdum vestibulum. Integer nec cursus neque. Mauris eu nibh rhoncus, laoreet sapien id, tincidunt turpis. Etiam mattis dapibus laoreet. Vestibulum bibendum tortor vel felis commodo ultrices. In in elit vitae eros suscipit commodo ut tristique erat. Vestibulum vehicula turpis id quam euismod vulputate.

Quisque lacinia, purus non porta malesuada, lectus tortor iaculis odio, nec laoreet massa dui sit amet elit. Sed tempus bibendum nisi eget vehicula. Maecenas quis leo eu augue faucibus aliquam.

Quisque sed pharetra odio, eu consectetur dui. Etiam scelerisque sagittis nunc, a scelerisque lorem. Fusce commodo tempus diam sed hendrerit. In ullamcorper odio eu pretium consectetur.


14 Tottenham Court Road, London, England
(102) 3456 789 / info@joshwilliam.com